Replanning the Planner

So, I discovered that I simply cannot use fountain pens--or any other permanent or semi-permanent marking devices--in my planner. It's no fault of the planner. It's me. I make too many mistakes. Using Wite-Out to cover up a mistake, which was covering up a previous mistake, makes for one hell of an ugly planner. And my writing is ugly enough. I don't need anything else to add to the ugly.

Fortunately, I had another blank notebook waiting in the wings. I took the opportunity to rethink my planner. My monthly and weekly layouts were surprisingly similar, one of the few differences being the amount of space allotted for each day. The monthly had my main to-do's while the weekly included the little to-do's required to complete the main to-do's. The flaw in the weekly layout was that a two-page spread covered just six days; I couldn't even see a whole week at a glance. Not to mention, the days weren't labeled with days of the week. I'm sure if I had kept at it, I would have been utterly confused.

I was going for a minimalist, linear design--rather than using lines laboriously drawn with a ruler, I simply used dots at what would be the beginnings and ends of lines. This led to my downfall. When dating the sections, I mistook the bottom-left dot as the start of another day. No, sir, that was the bottom of the page. I'll spare you the details of correcting my mistake, which then led to another mistake, which then led me to throwing my hands up.

I wasn't down for the count. What if I started again skipping a monthly section to focus on weekly layouts? What if I used "crop marks" to better define the sections without resorting to a ruler? What if I abandoned my beloved fountain pens for the pile of Pilot Frixion pens, markers, fineliners, and highlighters, all easily erasable?

With a new, more traditional two-page weekly spread, my new planner is marvelous. And the two or three mistakes I already made have been erased into oblivion. Yet, somehow, my math went all wobbly and the notebook will only house half a year. Luckily, I have one more identical notebook on hand, so I'm covered.

This is my first year taking a deep dive into planning. I'm not really the planning type. But sometimes we have to leave our old ways behind so we can grow and learn. And grow and learn shall be the way in 2025.